Tuesday, September 10, 2013

40 Cheap Date Ideas for New and Veteran Couples

Getting to know and spend quality time with your date doesn't have to drain your bank account. No matter your interests, you can plan inexpensive ways to spend time together whether you're going out on your first date or keeping the spark in your marriage.

Food Lovers
Food can charge your tastebuds and conversation at the same time. For as little as a few bucks, you get sweet and spicy with these date ideas:
  1. Meet at the local coffee shop or cozy up on your patio to chat over java or tea. Fill a coffee can with silly questions (e.g., "When was the last time you farted and blamed someone else?") and bring it along to your date. Take turns picking a question and laugh as you learn more about each other.
  2. Turkey sandwiches - check. Bottled water - check. Strawberries and whipped cream - check and check. Just don't forget the napkins for your twosome picnic on the roof...or in the woods...or on the abandoned railroad tracks.
  3. If you have a backyard fire pit, get some flames jumping and then toast some S'mores or apple mountain pies.
  4. Have a contest to find the most romantic recipe. Spend some time shopping, and then cook a meal together. A dash of music, two glasses of wine and equal portions of sparkling conversation and teamwork is all it takes to heat up your relationship.
Nature Lovers
Parks, trails and back roads offer up some relaxing couple activities that barely cost anything:
  1. Just bottle some water, bag some trail mix, and head to your local park to hike on or off the trail. Who knows? -- Maybe you'll find a private spot that you can make your own.
  2. Don't forget your water socks or sandals. When you find a nice creek or river, slip them on and go for a cool, rocky walk. Look for crawfish, frogs and other critters.
  3. Feel some wind in your hair on a day-long bike ride through park trails. Or go ahead and tour the town to see your city's historic mansions, cemeteries, and public gardens from the new perspective a bike offers.
  4. If you're hoping to cover more ground, hop in the car and get lost. Hit the highway with no particular place to go. Look for local attraction signs. Stop, or don't, but enjoy the conversation and scenery.
  5. You may never find a date as free as a blanket in the backyard as you count clouds or guess their resemblances. Watch the sky change color as the sun sets, and then see who can recognize the most constellations. If you have it in you, impress your date by watching the sun rise in the morning.
  6. Prove your hunter-gatherer nature by casting a line out in the river and catching dinner (or throwing it back). You and your date can spend the early morning digging for worms, and then, for the cost of a six-pack, spend quality time relaxing to the music of the river.
  7. For those a little less into eating animals, plan a date to feed them. Head down to a local pond or park with a loaf of bread and feed the ducks or birds.
Hometown Tourists
Get to know each other and the town by exploring some inexpensive attractions near you:
  1. Art, history, science, sports and music museums will give you plenty to talk about. Not all have cheap admission, however, so compare pricing before you head out.
  2. Check out local trolley, bus and boat tours in your area. See millionaire homes, haunted houses or cultural landmarks in a single one- to two-hour cruise.
  3. Cooling off at a local beach or pool gives you the perfect opportunity to show off those abs you've been working on. Before you head out, create Bingo cards with funny things you might see there (e.g., a kid picking his nose or a seagull poop-bombing a sunbather).
  4. Here's something you can do anywhere and in any weather: dance. Get close and sway to the melody of a summer storm or planes taking off at the airport. If you're the competitive type, plan a contest with your couple friends to see who can dance in more places in a single day. Meet up for drinks at a certain time and compare lists. Winners get free drinks all night.
  5. Forget big concerts. Spend a few dollars for admission and drinks and you can jam to local bands that play your favorite songs.
  6. Dating is a lot like garage-sale shopping: You never know what you're going to find. So, go. Check your local paper or the Craigslist's Garage Sale section and find some treasure to bring home.
  7. If the weather interrupts your plans to walk park trails, trot over to the mall. Window shop and splurge on giant cookies at the food court.
  8. So you're the type who can't just window shop? No problem. Go the thrift store and save some money. Twist the date by shopping for each other. Funniest outfit contest, anyone?
Sporty Types
Athletic people appreciate some physical activity with a little bit of friendly competition, as you might find in these cheap dates:
  1. Tennis, basketball, baseball...game on! You and your date can call friends and visit the local park or athletic center for some lovey-dovey competition.
  2. Maybe you don't want to get so sweaty when you're trying to impress your date. No problem. Putt-putt offers all the fun of competition without high-impact exertion.
  3. Keep cool on a hot date with a water balloon or squirt gun battle. You can pick these toys up for a few bucks at the local dollar store.
  4. If you'd rather challenge yourself than the relationship, rollerblading may be a more relaxing, non-competitive activity for your date. If the weather isn't cooperating, check out the local skating rink and share some pizza and soda between skate sessions.
  5. Pull out the Frisbee or ball and gloves to play catch. This low-cost activity is great for the backyard or the park and may help bridge any fitness gaps in the event one of you isn't athletic.
  6. Build a snowman. Better yet, build snowmen of each other...holding hands, of course.
  7. For the price of a sled or inner tube, you can hit the local slopes for high-speed dating fun in the snow.
Whether it's raining outside or you're feeling under the weather, you can still appeal to your date's competitive nature with indoor games and activities:
  1. Pull out Scrabble, Monopoly or the Game of Life. Board games cost less than a dinner out. If they're out of your price range, a deck of cards offers a number of games for just a couple bucks.
  2. Take a trip to the local arcade. In addition to video games, you may be able to play air hockey and pinball machines.
  3. Your local billiard hall may also serve up drinks and local music on certain nights of the week. Of course, shooting pool is just as much fun in the afternoon. Does it really matter what time of day it is when you're watching your date bend and twist around the table for that shot?
  4. Planning on spending the weekend together and need something cheap to do? Build a puzzle together. This visual challenge can build your teamwork skills and, when it's finished, you can revel in your joint achievement.
  5. Build something. Get some Legos, Lincoln Logs or other building toys and create a dream house or car. You can also build a Marble Works or similar course and race. Check your local thrift store for used toys.
The Artist Within
Art expresses your feelings for each other and engages your senses for hours:
  1. Visit your local craft store or search online for projects that accommodate both of your skill sets. Some shops offer craft kits in case you're not sure where to start. You may just find a hobby you can continue together.
  2. The library lends books to woo your hearts: poetry. Read some together. If you're both in the mood, write a poem together, each creating alternate lines.
  3. You both play an instrument? Great! Start a band. Otherwise, pull out the iPod and listen to music. You can also create a mixed CD together, taking turns adding songs.
  4. Pull out the watercolors or the paint-by-numbers. Paint with your fingers, carrot stalks or random objects on paper, canvas or body parts. It's up to you how and where your masterpieces come together.
  5. A couple of dollars will get you a few pieces of colorful sidewalk chalk. Draw a hopscotch board, write love letters on the pavement or draw a Caribbean beach.
  6. Get some puff paints, fabric markers or inkjet iron-on transfers and some plain T-shirts for this next date. The goal: fabulous, personalized shirts you can wear to the bar for a few drinks. Let others join in on your laughs by seeing whose designs get the most compliments.
When you want to connect, just the two of you, consider these private-time activities:
  1. Whether your date includes a home movie or picnic in the park or none of the above, don't pass up the opportunity to massage each other. If you really want to impress your date, plan a spa date at your place with soft music, candles, massage and strawberries dipped in chocolate.
  2. No matter where you are in your relationship, an evening in the hot tub with a couple of icy drinks can make things interesting. No hot tub? Try a bubble bath. If you're not "there" yet, just wear your bathing suits and make a memory you can giggle about when you do get "there."
  3. Couples with some history can create a memory jar; newbies can make a memories-to-make jar. Divide pieces of paper into quarters and write your favorite memories in those quarters. Fold them up and stick them in the jar. New couples can use the jar for things they want to try or lovey-dovey "prizes" for winning games of tennis or Guitar Hero.

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